A philosophy, an individual's perception. Yet we believe a philosopher is some sage, a utopia derivative. Bending your imagination to see world in a different way is what to-be-human is all about. Let is live, survive and love !

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Ventriloquist

He moves around the town,
With his marionette and red gown,
His eyes below his innocent brow,
And legs in dark with speed slow,
A thin and therapeutic heart,
With hands ready to dart.

Moving around country's perimeter miles,
Seeing the people with aristocratic smiles,
He jumps above the pebbles,
Slides across the grass
And carry his tranquil puppet
Named Shibu-The Marionette.

A sudden evening causes him great distress,
For his work is over before children and mistress,
He passes his day with great ease,
But nights are serene and heartsease,
And every morning is a new sear,
For he turns on, his mouth gear.

He performs with different feelings,
Against the odd and even livings,

He feels the pleasance when he succeeds,
And deny his earning when he defeats,
He obtuse his gusto with Shibu,
And deserts précised bad review.

He thinks for large but never gets to march,
He lives on a pound and vegetables' starch,
Jugglers and indolent audience are his supporters,
For he again tops on laborers and black porters,
Still he moves around the town,
With Shibu and red gown.

1 comment:

heem said...

Speechless its really .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
sorry dont know a word that fits ...........